Our easy to use mortgage calculators can help you at every stage of your mortgage journey, from calculating how much you could borrow, working out the monthly cost of a mortgage, to getting an idea of rental yield from a buy to let property.
Try putting in different figures to see what works for you.
How Much Can I Borrow?
Our mortgage calculator will give you an idea of how much you could borrow for a residential mortgage.
Mortgage Repayment Calculator
Our mortgage repayment calculator gives you a good idea of what your monthly mortgage payments might be.
Part & Part Calculator
Find out the monthly payments for a part interest-only, part repayment, mortgage.
Interest Only Calculator
This calculator shows you what you could pay each month with an interest-only mortgage.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Use our free Stamp Duty calculator to work out how much you’ll need to pay when purchasing a property.
Buy To Let Calculator
Use our online calculator to find out how much you could borrow from a buy to let mortgage using just the rental income.
Buy To Let Rent Calculator
Our free buy-to-let rent calculator will work out how much you need in rent to qualify for a buy-to-let mortgage.
Remortgage Calculator
Our remortgage calculator helps you quickly compare your current deal with new rates to see if you could save money.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a mortgage calculator?
Our mortgage calculators give you a rough idea of how much a mortgage could cost or what amount you could borrow.
What information do I need to use a calculator?
This depends on the calculator but normally: property value, mortgage needed, term, income/s.
How much can I afford to borrow?
Our calculators can only provide a guide to costs, you should speak with your broker to discuss affordability.
How accurate are mortgage calculators?
Yes, our calculators are accurate and an excellent way to see how much a mortgage could cost.
How do you work out loan to value?
Divide the value of the mortgage you need by the value of the property, expressed as a percentage. Our LTV calculator makes this easy.
Can I compare repayment with interest only?
Yes, use our repayment calculator and toggle between repayment methods to see the difference.